'Zumba Choreo by Naveen Kumar & Jyothi Puli for the song track Cham Cham from the Movie Bhaagi starring Tiger Shroff & Shraddha Kapoor We do not own the rights to this song. No copyright infringement intended. We love this song and enjoyed this song. Try this small work out at home. Hope u all will like it. Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/NaveenKumarZumbafitness Like: https://www.facebook.com/ZumbaWithNaveen Like: https://www.facebook.com/ZumbaFitnesswithjyothipuli Visit: http://nspjyothipuli.zumba.com/ tweet me : https://twitter.com/Naveen_Palled SONG- CHAM CHAM MUSIC - MEET BROS SINGERS - MEET BROS FT. MONALI THAKUR LYRICS-KUMAAR'
Tags: fitness , exercise , wellness , Dance , India , bollywood , choreography , choreo , Tiger Shroff , sangeet , shraddha kapoor , Hyderabad , Naveen , vijaya tupurani , sucheta pal , Cham cham , Bhaagi , NJ Fitness , Jyothi Puli , mass dance
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